About Patty
Patty has worked in the field of Infant, Toddler Care and Development for over 25 years.
Master’s Degree In Human Development, Specializing in Early Childhood Development.
Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist Consultant.
Napa Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellowship / Reflective Supervision Academy.
Early Childhood Education Professor, Yuba College, Adjunct Faculty.
RIE® Mentor with Resources for Infant Educarers®
Chair, RIE Board of Directors
Vice Chair, Playzeum Yuba-Sutter Board of Directors
As the principal in Two Pillars™ Early Childhood Consulting Group, Patty offers a wide variety of services for parents and professionals, including:
RIE® Certified Parent, Infant Classes for children 3 months to 3 years
RIE® Foundations: Theory and Observation courses for professionals
in the field of infant, toddler development and care -
Adult Education classes in Early Childhood Education
Consulting services for full day group care programs
Workshops, seminars and in-service training
Conference presentations
Speaking engagements and keynote presentations
Patty has been a RIE(®) Associate since 2000 is a RIE® Mentor Teacher. She trained with Magda Gerber, Ruth
Money, and Carol Pinto at Resources for Infant Educarers in Los Angeles and has been sharing the wisdom of
Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach to a wide audience of parents and professionals for over 25 years.
She teaches RIE® Certified professional development, parenting courses, and mentors RIE® Practicum™ and
RIE® Intern™ students. She is passionate about extending the reach of the Educaring® Approach across the globe and has given workshops and seminars for professional caregivers and parents internationally and nationwide.
Patty earned her Master’s Degree from Pacific Oaks College, teaches Early Childhood at Yuba College and
is the infant-toddler teacher at Yuba-Sutter's FLIP program. Patty is also a founding member of the Infant
Toddler Networks in both San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento. She is the author of several articles on infant, toddler development, has studied at the Pikler Institute in Budapest Hungary and at WestEd’s Program for Infant Toddler Caregivers. She and her husband live in Emeryville with their chocolate lab and are the proud parents of a secure, confident, and altogether delightful daughter, who has just completed her freshmen year in college.

Patty Ryan

What Are The Two Pillars?
Independence and Interdependence
During infancy and toddlerhood; in fact, all throughout the lifespan, we constantly search for a balance between two fundamental drives: independence and interdependence. Many factors influence how we find and balance independence and interdependence, including culture, genetics, temperament, the environment, and experience.
For infant and toddlers in particular, daily, repeated experiences have a life-long impact on these two needs. And while newborn infants are, to a great extent, highly dependent on the primary adults in their lives for their very survival, even very young infants possess the ability to function both independently and in interdependent relationships. In fact, young infants are born with an innate drive to move independently, in their own time and in their own way, and to connect with the significant people in their lives. This is a big part of the magic, joy, and challenge of infancy and toddlerhood!
Finding that healthy balance between independence and interdependence sets the foundation for a confident childhood. RIE® parent, infant and parent, toddler classes and RIE® Foundations: Theory and Observation classes provide a framework for experiencing independence and interdependence for children, parents, and caregivers.

The Educaring® Approach
Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach honors Infants and young children as equal members in relationships, incorporating a deep respect and appreciation for children as fully competent for their age and stage of development. The Educaring® Approach encourages infants and adults to trust each other and to embrace one another's ever-growing ability to learn about and from one another. Magda believed that, when allowed to unfold in their own way and in their own time, children can and do discover and inspire the best in themselves and in others.
The Educaring ® Approach fosters an authentic sense of self and lays a foundation for secure relationships, enduring curiosity, and lasting self-confidence to support infants to be:
An ideal resource for caregivers, teachers, center directors, parents, or anyone involved in the care of infants and toddlers, all RIE® programs approach the art of teaching adults with the same respect and attention we give infants. Our classes offer profound support for parents and professionals, as well as the babies they care for.

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